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From the law enforcement agency to city administration, RollKall simplifies off-duty at every level

Executive and command staff gain oversight

Executive and command staff can rest easy knowing their agency’s off-duty program is running efficiently and in compliance with department policy. Robust reporting provides transparency into every aspect of off-duty and documentation of all hours worked prevents officer fatigue.

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Ease the administrative burden on coordinators

For the officers scheduling and managing off-duty, RollKall saves time and administrative hassle. Easily post job requests from businesses, assign officers and manage call-offs. Combine all officer, coordinator and department fees in one easy invoice - RollKall makes sure the right pay goes to the right place.

Learn how coordinators benefit

Provide more off-duty opportunities to officers

RollKall opens up more off-duty opportunities for officers and the mobile app makes applying, working and getting paid quick and easy.

Learn how officers benefit

Ensure an Easy Off-Duty Process for the Businesses You Serve

From requesting an officer to electronic payments, the RollKall platform helps the businesses you serve with a simple, straightforward process for scheduling and paying off-duty officers. 

Businesses gain access to:

  • Their own RollKall portal to request and view jobs
  • Electronic invoicing and ACH or credit card payment options
  • Access to general liability insurance
  • Alerts when the scheduled officer is on-site

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Give government administrators transparency to help mitigate risk and save taxpayer dollars
