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Executive & Command Staff

Get Insights for More Transparency and Improved Compliance

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Visibility into off-duty activities

Minimize risk with insights into the details of your department's off-duty activity. Manage growing requests for off-duty services in a fair, secure and transparent way. Through the RollKall platform, you’ll see the details and gain more control.

Gain insights and control

RollKall’s reporting dashboards make it easy to ensure officers are working off duty responsibly, and in compliance with department policies.

  • See every detail of every job 
  • Know how many off-duty hours officers are working
  • Verify officer attendance via cell tower ping
  • Ensure assignments are fair
  • Easily access documentation and reporting
  • Automated 1099 processing for vendors and officers

“A top priority for me was ensuring fairness in the way we assign off-duty detail. It was clear RollKall could give us the insight to achieve that goal.”
 / Chief Andy Harvey / Pharr PD / Hidalgo County / Texas



Find out how an extra-duty management technology can simplify scheduling, reduce risk, and save time

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Support community connection

RollKall enables agencies and officers to build community relationships at all levels, including city departments, vendors and the community at large. RollKall technology helps agencies strengthen community ties by freeing officers to focus more while on-duty and off-duty. 


