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We’ve become a project-based culture and society; it’s simply the mental framework of how we get work done in the modern world. Be it off-duty coordination or managing a project in a corporate setting, they are similar in that both require the following: planning and execution, management of risks and changes that arise, communication between all parties involved, managing the scope and resources required, and managing a team or teams of people
For a more streamlined approach to off-duty coordination, here are a few project management tips to keep those details running smoothly.
Communicate Clearly with All Parties
For successful off-duty coordination, clear communication is key. Make sure to get all the necessary information from the client about their security needs so you can provide adequate officers and resources for the job. During scheduling, make sure that the officer or officers know all of the particulars of the job and what (if anything) they need to do once on-site. In this case, it's better to err towards over communication with both the client and officer.
Manage Expectations
Managing expectations is an extension of good communication, but it begs a little extra emphasis to set and manage everybody’s expectations. Be transparent with the client of all associated fees as well as all the how-to’s in the process (from job requests to remitting payment). Additionally, make sure the officer is aware of how much the job pays and when and how payment will be made. Setting expectations up front will save lengthy back and forth conversations in the long run and this clarity will help prevent potentially ruffled feathers from clients and officers alike.
Assess and Manage Risk
It’s important to assess the potential risks of any job request to make sure the officer on-site has all of the resources they will need to perform their job and protect themselves and others. This means evaluating the differences between jobs that may need more resources (like a patrol car) or carry more risk. Managing risk also means assessing the need for off-duty insurance across the whole program.
Don’t Multitask
We are all guilty of trying to do multiple things at once, particularly when work gets busy. However, studies show that multitasking doesn’t work and can cause negative consequences like lower productivity and reduced work quality. The lesson here? Do one thing. Do it right. Do it deliberately. When you focus on one thing at a time, doing it well comes naturally.
Pick the Right Software
Recognize that there are tools out there to help with most of the administrative tasks that naturally accompany off-duty management (like scheduling and invoicing). Gone are the days of pen and paper or mass texts. The technology is out there - take advantage of it! Find an off-duty management tool like RollKall that helps manage the entire process that includes easy-to-use tools for everyone involved. Keep in mind that technology tends to work best for you when everybody is on board with the same tool.
Learn more about how RollKall can help you coordinate more off-duty in less time.
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