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Max Rank and Rank Badges

Written by RollKall | Aug 29, 2022 9:21:24 PM


Use Maximum Rank and Rank Badges to organize job positions

Maximum Rank

Similar to the “minimum rank” feature, maximum rank allows you to specify a maximum rank for applicants to be eligible for a job. When creating a job, you will now see a prompt asking “Does this position have rank restrictions?” If you select “yes,” you will be prompted to select the minimum or maximum ranks.

Choose a minimum or maximum rank from the drop down list.

Rank Badges

In the Job Detail page, when selecting a minimum, maximum, or specific rank for a position, you will now see a badge next to that position that visually reflects the selected rank. This visual reference makes it easier to see which ranks are assigned to each position, and is particularly useful when organizing large events.

For more information on using maximum rank or rank badges, see the RollKall knowledge base articles about creating recurring jobs as an LEA and creating events as an LEA.